Thursday, April 30, 2009

Grandma Perkins Visit

Grandma Perkins and Aunt Becca were able to come for a quick visit last weekend. As usual it was short and sweet and I never take enough pictures. We were able to go girl shopping, Becca's favorite was swinging and lookging like a princess ing her new clothes and late night treats. It was nice visit.

Aunt Becca in her new clothes.

Doug blew up Stetson's Bouncy Castle so they could play.

Becca was quite the trooper. She stayed up as late as she could and we made sundaes.

Stetson got into the Pancake mix when Dad wasn't watching

My Mom is going to kill me for posting this picture, but it was the only one I took of her the whole weekend. She made cookies for us since according to Doug "It's been over a year since I made homemade cookies" He thinks he is so deprieved. But they were delicious and we have many more in the freezer and Stetson loved the dough!

Doug was the trooper to go out and swing the kids and they loved every minute of it.

1 comment:

beth said...

ok, I will be the first to comment...I won't kill you, but don't you know how to airbrush yet?
Love that flour classic!
becca is enjoying the memories.
thanks doug for all the swinging...becca loved it!
it was absolutely too short...but ya, mom/gramma