Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hatch Reunion

Hatch Reunion 08
We went to our annual Hatch Reunion in Bryce Canyon in July. It was so good to see everyone. Our family was in charge this year so there wasn't as much playing, but we still had a good time.

Doug is my hard working man. He worked hard all week and then drove down, set up camp and crashed.
Branson and his friend Weston went to get fire wood and Branson had a run in with the tree as he fell down it, but he had several doctors at his aid.

Stetson was so excited with everything and everyone there that he wouldn't take a nap and would stay up until mid'night. But finally he fell asleep in grandpa's arms.

The boys went swimming at the lake, the girls were smarter than that knowing how cold it was. They had alot of fun. Doug was on the swim team in high school and convinced the guys to swim across the lake. They made it half way and everyone ditched him out in the middle.

Going to Ruby's gift shop is always fun to look around. We found a saddle just the right size for Stetson, but he didnt seem to like it.

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